SUCO at the 78th CITES Standing Committee Meeting

SUCO at the 78th CITES Standing Committee Meeting – Day 1

SUCO had a productive day at the 78th CITES Standing Committee meeting, engaging in networking with fellow organizations that support sustainable use and refining our strategic objectives for the rest of the meeting.

The day was heavily focused on administrative matters and logistical planning for the next meeting in Uzbekistan later this year, while Panama has once again offered to host COP21 in 2028.

SUCO delivered an intervention on CITES’ administrative overreach into zoonotic diseases. As a result, both SUCO and WRSA have been added to the working group tasked with discussing the way forward and CITES’ future role in this issue.

Today promises to be another intense day, with discussions on captive breeding and trade of non-wild-caught species taking centre stage. The afternoon session is dedicated entirely to elephants, though given the current delays, it remains uncertain whether we will reach this point in the agenda.

Pieter Swart

Chairman SUCo-SA


Thanks to the SULi team for this great event today. Frank nailed it with: Hunting trophy import ban; An illiberal trade measure, An anti-conservation measure.

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