Natshoot Submission – The Draft Firearms Control Amendment Bill, 2021
The Civil Secretariat for Police on 21 May 2021 invited public comments on the proposed amendments to the Firearms Control Act (Act 60 of 2000) to be submitted before or on 2 August 2021.
You can read the Natshoot comments on the unconstitutionality, disregard for human rights, and irrationalities contained in the proposed Bill, which is clearly aimed at taking away as many as possible firearms in the hands of legal firearm owners as possible.
A word of sincere thanks to the large number of our members who sent in their own comments in opposition to the contents of the Bill.
All the letters from our youngsters who indicated that they enjoy hunting and shooting with their parents, are al kept in safe storage with us for use in possible litigations. The possibility of serious litigations against the Minister of Police if he would try and implement the irrational and draconian 2021 proposed amendments to the FCA, is definitely not excluded.
We shall keep members abreast of how we plan to proceed in this matter as and when the Secretariat decide to continue with their poorly thought out amendments – no doubt compiled with help and on command of Gunfree South Africa [GFSA]. The lack of any understanding of firearms use is clearly portrayed in the amendments – clearly people who purportedly wanted to write law on a subject matter they have no experience or knowledge of.
Natshoot reiterates; our firearms are not just for the taking, Minister Cele.